The real story of launching a startup and getting our first funding

February 2, 2023

Every startup journey is different. But if I was to find a fitting parallel then I would compare it to a mountain climb - it's a challenging and exhilarating experience, with breathtaking views, but also with rocky terrains, steep cliffs, and the potential for setbacks. The reward of reaching each summit, small or big, creates a sense of accomplishment that is unparalleled. So keep an eye on the reward. 👀

To work on a startup is to dance with uncertainty and to embrace the unknown. It is to be part of a small and passionate team, where every day is a new adventure, every challenge an opportunity to grow. And though the path may be uncertain, the thrill of the ride is undeniable.

To set the expectations for future entrepreneurs as well as our future teammates, here are our observations from working in startups, building a startup, having conversations with other founders as well as our learnings from the technology entrepreneurship program at DTU and the residency of Antler.

Motionshift is incredibly honored to have been chosen as one of the 150 Promising Nordic Startups in 2023, selected through rigorous evaluation criteria such as funding history, location, and tech focus.

We extend our congratulations to all participants for their bold ideas and innovative contributions to the startup ecosystem.

Here is the link to the article.

Thank you Fast Track Malmo

Stay tuned for exciting updates that we have in store for the future!

We're really excited to be part of the community and local AI scene in Prague. The project is a collaboration between major academic institutions like the & Czech Technical University, & Charles University, and the & Czech Academy of Sciences. With strong support from the City of Prague, they've come together with a clear aim: to make Prague a leading hub for artificial intelligence in Europe. It's great to see passionate individuals like Lenka Kučerová Lukáš Kačena and Michal Pěchouček, to name a few, leading the way to bring the AI community together.

Our CEO, Lucie Krulichova, is from Prague, which makes our involvement even more special. We're looking forward to partnering with local talent and bringing innovation to life.

Check out the diverse group of innovative companies that are also part of this vibrant network:

It's an exciting time for AI in Prague, and we're proud to be in the mix!

If you're passionate about shaping the future of AI-driven video creation and storytelling, we'd love to hear from you! We're on the lookout for exceptional AI and Computer Vision experts.

Explore and learn more about opportunities on our careers page here

Why team diversity helps a.k.a. the team diversity potion

In our case, the MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship at DTU was where our paths crossed, our ideas aligned and our startup took flight. Other opportunities for connecting with like-minded individuals and forming successful teams can also be found in places like Antler, one of the most active global day-zero investors, with a program that we were also a part of later on. In these programs it's the common passion for innovation, the curiosity and desire to learn about how to turn ideas into successful businesses that brings people together. 

However, finding the perfect mix for the team can be challenging. What I have learnt so far is that a diverse team brings a wealth of unique perspectives, ideas and approaches to problem-solving. This allows for a more robust and creative environment, leading to more innovative and successful solutions, which can help to mitigate risk and capitalize on new opportunities.

If we were to summarize this into a potion for lets say a software startup, then it would look like this:

A potion for startup success must contain a carefully curated blend of diverse professional backgrounds:

First, a dash of software engineering expertise ensures that the technical aspects of the product are solid and innovative.

Next, a pinch of marketing business acumen brings a strong understanding of how to reach and engage customers effectively.

Finally, a dose of design expertise ensures that the product is not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly.

Mix these ingredients together and you have the perfect recipe for a powerful and successful startup team, also known as the "Hacker, Hustler, and Hipster concept" describing the three key roles that are typically needed to build a successful startup.

A fast-track to personal growth and development

A small diverse team also means there is opportunity for personal growth and development, as you learn to wear different hats and tap into a wider range of perspectives and ideas. Which also means that with multiple tasks competing for attention at all times, it's essential to be able to navigate challenges with a clear head and a strong sense of purpose. At times, it can be overwhelming, but it also presents an opportunity for rapid learning and growth. Having a growth mindset: the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning is important. Entrepreneurs who have a growth mindset are more likely to be open to new ideas, take calculated risks, and learn from their failures. 

How to do more with less

Adopting a growth mindset in a startup can empower teams to think creatively and maximize resources, leading to the ability to do more with less. When building or joining a startup, it's important to understand that resources are limited. This means that extensive budget plans and time for perfectionism are not always feasible. Instead, the approach should be one of resourcefulness and continuous learning and growth within the available time frame. This requires the ability to make quick, smart decisions on Time, Money, and People. 

By being resourceful, focused and adaptive, it's possible to achieve more with less. For example in the case of Motioshift - the 3D video and motion design tool that we are building, we focus on high-value opportunities by prioritizing a user-friendly interface and ease of use. Instead of developing advanced but complex features that only a small percentage of users will use, Motionshift's focus is on making the tool accessible and easy to use for a wide range of users. Another example is to focus on compatibility with a wide range of formats and platforms.

Asking for help is crucial

Making the most out of limited resources also means leveraging every asset to its fullest potential. So ask for help wherever you can. Starting a business is a challenging and complex process, and it's nearly impossible to do it alone.

For us building a startup within the DTU technology entrepreneurship program and the Antler residency has been an extremely valuable experience. The programs provided us with the resources, mentorship, and guidance necessary to avoid many common mistakes that early-stage startups often make. The support from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts helped us to refine our business model, validate our product, and develop a go-to-market strategy. The access to a network of investors, customers and partners allowed us to quickly identify and pursue high-value opportunities. Furthermore, the program's curriculum and workshops helped us to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to validate and run a successful business.

How we put our dreams into motion and how you can too

We are so excited to announce that we have successfully raised our first pre-seed funding from Antler and we are launching the first version of the tool in March. Although it's still early days, we are excited for what the future holds and we are confident that with more great team members in place, we can create a new creative paradigm for 3D video and motion creation while building a tool that our users will love. If you are interested in building a startup, we hope that our journey inspired you to do so. If you want to graduate with a degree and a startup we recommend the MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship at DTU as well as Antler if you want to build a startup.

If you are interested in joining Motionshift or know someone who may be interested in joining a dynamic and ambitious startup, please do not hesitate to refer them to us. We're accepting open applications from individuals interested in what we're building. Submit your application today to be considered for future opportunities. For updates about the launch and Motionshift and future positions, keep an eye on our Linkedin and Website

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